
Comprehensive Traffic Observations (CTO)

A Comprehensive Traffic Observation (CTO), comprises combinations of various means of gathering traffic information simultaneously at various points during a long- or short- term period.

The above mentioned includes:

  • Electronic Traffic Monitoring Stations.
  • Electronic traffic Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) stations.
  • Temporary axle-load surveys conducted with portable axle weighing equipment.
  • Manual traffic surveys.
  • The continuous gathering of traffic and road loading information is a vital tool for authorities on local, provincial and national level. It also forms a vital informative tool for road and infrastructure management.

    Detailed CTO reports containing valuable traffic engineering surveying information can be produced monthly, quarterly and annually.

    Manual Traffic Surveying Services

    Manual Traffic Surveying consist of monitoring traffic flow, pedestrian movements and behaviour as well as conducting Origin and Destination interactive surveys. TES has developed and implemented our own in-house manufactured loggers – TicMAN and Krimpvark. The logged data is imported into workable data sheets and provided to clients.

    Several types of surveys can be conducted, tailored to the clients’ requirements:

  • Turning movement counts.
  • Link counts.
  • Number plate surveys to determine route usage between various points.
  • Origin and Destination Surveys.
  • These surveys are conducted at various points on:

  • Roads and highways.
  • Road intersections and highway interchanges.
  • In- and out- flow of shopping malls, taxi ranks, border posts, University campuses, etc.
  • The surveys can be conducted during the following times:

  • 12 Hour surveys from 06h00 – 18h00.
  • AM and PM peak periods (06h00 – 09h00 & 15h00 – 18h00).
  • AM, Midday or PM peak periods.
  • Saturday AM peak period 10h00 – 14h00.
  • Manual surveys may also be conducted as part of broader traffic studies, in conjunction with temporary electronic loop surveys and axle load surveys. The strength and attraction of manual surveys lies in the ability to customise classification requirements according to the client’s needs. TES will go where the work is required, be it rural, urban, local, or international. If it can be manually counted – TES will count it!

    Video Counts (ViCoMAN)

    TES has implemented high quality digital traffic IP cameras since 2015 to conduct accurate short-term counts at extremely high traffic volume intersections.

    The video footage is then downloaded and counted by specially designed software that allows for accurate and 100% auditable data as the footage can be played through at different speeds to ensure that the user can confidently check all vehicles. The vehicles can then be sorted into user required classes and reports are then automatically generated according to the clients’ requirements.

    TES has recently successfully conducted a video survey for Mott MacDonald in KZN, the project consisted of 52 Cameras setup to record various intersections during the AM and PM peak periods. The video footage was then post processed to deliver above average results.

    Video count software has been specially designed for the process and verification of these video counts. The software is used to count and classify the monitored traffic and allows for manual classification of up to 16 categories. All counted vehicles are marked on the video footage and allows the user or auditor to scroll through the footage and ensure that the counts are conducted with 100% auditable accuracy.

    Electronic Traffic Surveying Services

    With the development of our own in-house traffic logger equipment, TES is able to provide clients with competitively priced electronic traffic surveying services using inductive loop technology.The advantage of being hands-on with our own products directly benefits clients with the modification and customisation possibilities concerning vehicle classification and data storage.

    Single inductive loop technology is utilised to differentiate between Light and Heavy vehicles. Dual inductive loop technology is implemented to make use of length, speed and chassis height to classify vehicles. The ability to log these vehicles individually for research enables TES to develop and refine classification schemes as required.

    An example of the aforementioned is our involvement with the development of the vehicle classification scheme currently employed by the Western Cape’s Department of Transport.

    TES is able to provide results where vehicles have been logged individually or in intervals of 15 or 60 minutes.

    Currently TES uses Electronic Traffic logger equipment in the following scenarios:

  • Temporary electronic surveys using stick-on-the-road (non-intrusive) inductive loops.
  • Permanent or secondary counting stations where inductive loops are cut into the road (intrusive).
  • Weigh in Motion (WIM) stations where inductive loops are combined with WIM bending plate sensors.
  • Audit stations.